I've never written any reviews. This is my first time so I'll do my best to show you my thoughts about this anime.
First of all, this anime has a serious and global topic (you know, World War II was terrible for all people, especially for Russians). The autors had showed the negative side of the war so foreign people can learn some important information about the Soviet culture, fighting spirit and, finally, about different people. It's a very great idea, I support it!
The characters are awesome! Every person has an individuality, his/her own specific qualities. But I wonder why some Russian people are blond like Nadya? They are dark blond! Almost forgot: I like the main heroine's name very much because in Russia it means "hope" - the most important thing for poor and frightened people.
I think this anime is a masterpiece because it showed (partly) the real situation of war and the real life of brave Young Pioneers and dashing soldiers. But there is a little problem for me: I can't understand the ending... Hope you can understand it properly.